Organize Your Finances
Organize your bills
Are you wasting a lot of time looking for missing bills, trying to remember to pay on time, unsure if an important bill was received? Organizing your finances will save you the money you spend on late fees, interest payments and other costly mistakes. Once your finances are organized, it will be easier to identify ways to save money.
Make spreadsheets
Include all your recurring bills. Add columns for title of bill, account number, date received, date paid, amount, notes, contact number. Now you’ll be able to see which bills are missing, which are paid, which to expect and when.
Make spreadsheets for your bank accounts, credit cards and investment accounts. Add the account numbers, amount, interest rate, notes. Eliminate unwanted/unused accounts & expenses.
Here is a link to a FREE spreadsheet you can use. Don't use it as is. Click FILE, then select MAKE A COPY, then click on the name to RENAME it with your own title.
Password manager
Set up a password manager, like LastPass or DashLane, so that your passwords – and access to your money - are protectedOnline bill payment & automated bill payment
These systems decrease the possibility of missed payments, late charges and interest charges. It’s pretty easy to sign up for these, but if you are unsure, just go to your bank and ask a manager to assist you.
These are excellent tips – for any age group in fact!
Great suggestions, Becca. It’s so kind of you to include a spreadsheet with detailed instructions. I will definitely use it.
I would love a gentle introduction to spreadsheets. I use them but grumble the whole time. I ought to befriend them….
What a great way to stay organized with your finances. It’s so important to stay on top of your money, and to treat it with respect.